Until death do us apart; Chapter 3

They're about to go on holiday. Their first time together. The destination is Malta, Jonathan has always wanted to go there and this just seemed like the opportunity of a lifetime. His left hand is on the steering wheel and even though he pays attention to the street, he can't help himself but to give... Continue Reading →

The angel of death

Who am I? Faintly a name flickers up in the back of my head. N … Ni … What's my name? Where am I? Confusedly I try to sit up, my try fails though, since my hands and feet are fastened with cuffs on this camp bed on which I woke up. Amusedly I wheeze... Continue Reading →


I'm running. And running. And running. Why am I running? I can't find an answer on this endless way, which keeps starting over and over again. Loud, but still so mute do my steps echo through the emptiness, as if I'm non-existent. I gasp, reach for the air which.. I somehow don't need. I drown... Continue Reading →


Elise. Sie war es, die immer ein Lächeln auf anderer Lippen zauberte. Sei es mit ihrer liebevollen Art, wie sie alles Gute in der Welt für jeden einzelnen gegeben hätte, oder einfach ihr breites, wunderschönes Lächeln welches so häufig in ihrem Gesicht saß. Nicht einmal ich könnte erklären, was es an ihr war, was jedem... Continue Reading →

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