Eine Geschichte über Angst und Komplexe

Die Straße ist lang und unbewohnt, ein Ende gibt es nicht. Niemand wird sie retten. Sie weiß, ihr Atem wird knapp, ihre Beine schmerzen. Sie weiß, dass niemand sie schützend in seine Arme schließen wird. Wirklich niemand. Warum flieht sie, warum rennt sie fort? Woher kommt diese Hoffnung, entkommen zu können? Sie weiß es nicht,... Continue Reading →


One night I dreamt, I was free. Free like a bird. I dreamt of the feeling, to be able to escape this cage, which is called life. On nimble wings I flew into the promising future, which I always wished for myself. I got rid of this straitjacket, which prevented me from being free. From... Continue Reading →

The angel of death

Who am I? Faintly a name flickers up in the back of my head. N … Ni … What's my name? Where am I? Confusedly I try to sit up, my try fails though, since my hands and feet are fastened with cuffs on this camp bed on which I woke up. Amusedly I wheeze... Continue Reading →


I'm running. And running. And running. Why am I running? I can't find an answer on this endless way, which keeps starting over and over again. Loud, but still so mute do my steps echo through the emptiness, as if I'm non-existent. I gasp, reach for the air which.. I somehow don't need. I drown... Continue Reading →


Actually it was a quite normal evening, I was casually sitting on my laptop and watching some YouTube videos, until I found out about some so called “Game myths”. Out of curiosity I clicked on a video which seemed interesting to me and I didn't get disappointed. The man who did this video talked about... Continue Reading →

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